In Old English, February was known as ‘Solmonath’ or mud month, conjuring up images of toiling through the sodden ground in a seemingly endless winter; but perhaps it’s darkest before the dawn.
The Finns call it ‘Helmikuu’, describing the beautiful pearls of ice that thaw and freeze on the tree branches. It is of course also a time for romance, and affairs of the heart in a medical sense as America designates it Heart Month.
For Clive Smedley aka The Bleak Industrialists, it’s very much Solmonath until the later longer days…when hope begins to spring. Listen and enjoy this voyage through February.
This is the second of 12 monthly instalments where Clive examines his own feelings and wider cultural influences.
In December, all 12 tracks will be released together on a Limited Edition CD.
Listen. Buy. Download The Bleak Industrialists – February Solmonath